April 17, 2015

Energy Stone, Love

Energy Stone, Love

Love is the feminine aspect that embraces the Light, which is the masculine. The Lights seed/idea/knowledge of potential is embraced by Love to be able to be anchored here, and therefore then BEcome. Love nurtures, cradles, and allows for time and space for the potential to grow to then be able to birth/manifest/materialize in this physical reality.


Energy Stone, Trust

Energy Stone, Trust

This stone represents the beauty and Magic of full Trust. Trust in ourselves, our feelings, our intuition and our experiences fully, which also brings us a deep sense of safety, peace, and freedom. 
Trusting divine pace, timing, perfection, and will. 
In the times ahead now on the planet as we are in intense chapters of transformation and opening up to divine Love, it is of great importance to trust ourselves and our hearts fully. We truly have all we need to know within us. Trust.


April 14, 2015

Energy Stone, I AM

Energy Stone, I AM

This stone represents our I AM presence. Through the deep knowing of our I AM presence we BEcome our true selves, we feel, know, and see the connectedness and oneness with all and everything. As we live our lives through the great I AM-ness, we no longer have the awareness of merely living and serving the self but we are living and serving all. Through the I AM presence awareness we allow and make a space for/in service to all of creation/source/the wholeness whatever we do, think, feel, say and act.
The colors of the I AM presence are red and white. These two colors cover the whole light spectrum. White is the color of pure source light, and it contains all colors. Red is the color of manifestation/materialization in the physical reality. We can learn and expand into combining the vertical and horizontal into one in beautiful balance. Mixed together white and red create the color pink. Pink is the color of divine Love, which is what we embody through our I AM presence and embodiment of our God/Goddess self. Knowing the self as source. 


Energy Stone, The Violet Flame

Energy Stone, the Violet Flame

This stone represents and holds the energy of the violet flame of transmutation. This flame is a tool for our leveling up in vibrational frequency to BEcome divine HUmans walking on planet Gaia. The flame can be used to transmute density and bring purification, which help open up to other dimensions.
